During the summers we send some of our faculty to Africa to teach face-to-face summer intensives with our African students. This summer, Dr. Mindi Thompson and a couple of U.S. students went to eSwatini for class hosted by African Christian College. Tripp Wright is one of these students and he sent us a heartfelt “thank you” that he has graciously allowed us to share. Our students continually bless us with their lives and eagerness to learn. They teach us about the life of faith more than they know. Here is Tripp’s note. Enjoy.


A Message of Gratitude

Tripp Wright

“In the beginning God created…,” what a powerful declaration. If we believe in those five words, then anything is possible, I mean anything. 
     As I traveled from the USA to eSwatini, I witnessed God’s kingdom everywhere I went. Whether it was in the beautiful architecture of Frankfurt, the vast countryside as I peeked through the window of the plane, or in the people whom I met along my journey, God was there. 
     You see, we worship a phosphorescent Creator whose very nature is prolific creativity. A Creator whose essence is incomprehensible, yet at the same time can be discovered within the bush of Southern Africa. But this bush did not speak or blaze aflame to catch the attention of my soul. That is because through the diversity I found in this cross-cultural journey, I was able to experience our Creator in extraordinary ways, ways previously unknown to me. 
     In the classroom, I found myself surrounded by men and women who represented multiple countries. I also found myself recognizing that those same men and women represented the priesthood of believers that I have always heard about. While each of us had different backgrounds, we still worshiped the same God. 
     I could go on and on sharing about how I experienced God throughout this journey, but trying to capture all the ways in which this happened would take an eternity. However, the next time we are in each other’s presence, if you would like to hear more, let’s grab coffee or tea and basque in the glory of God through stories. 
     To all of you who made this possible (the short course held in eSwatini for the GST masters students), I want to say thank you with all of my heart for allowing me this opportunity. I write this because, without you, this soul-enriching experience would have been unattainable. 
May the blessings and love of Christ continue to engulf you!