Cybersecurity, Spam and Phishing emails, Password Strength…all of these things can be a little overwhelming to think about, especially if I have to think about doing it on my own, as well as when we have personally or when we know someone who has been “hacked.” It is a little daunting. However, as a part of the ACU community, we have some great teams and tools in place to help us navigate and protect us from the annoying to potentially serious digital threats that are out there trying to get in.

Today, Jeff Brawley (ACU Computing Services – Senior Systems Analyst – G Suite Administrator) and Hab Adkins (ACU Computing Services – Director) provided us with insights and steps we can all use immediately while using the systems and tools ACU’s IT Department and Google G Suite have in place. Below is a link to Jeff’s presentation. It is only being made available to those of you with an ‘’ email account.

Gmail Security Tech Tune-Up “Gone Phishing”

To get a better handle on what G Suite Security is able to do for you, remember to reach out to the following: