This year’s Christmas promotion gave us a chance to highlight the creativity of ACU students and faculty as well as a few of the media specialists in the Learning Studio.

Knowing that Episode VII would be on the minds of many on campus during Finals Week, we thought we’d tap into the excitement by asking Ben Todd, one of our student media specialists, to complete some original animations that would appear on digital signage, the web, and in a life-size cut-out as students came upstairs to study. He completed original drawings of Han, Leia and Chewbaca that appeared in a range of promotional materials.

Our full-time media production staff came up with the #EpisodeXmas tag as well as the tie-ins to Adobe Creative Cloud we rolled out on the blog.

Finally, Nathan Driskell produced the logo and the graphic design behind the campaign as well as a short film about Ben’s creative process delivering the original animations.

All around it was an exciting week in the Learning Studio and already has us looking forward to Episode VIII.