The library launched the latest of its open access journals, Journal of Cross-Cultural Family Studies (JCCFS) which is an electronic, peer-reviewed academic journal that concentrates on research about families and individuals engaged in cultural transition and adaptation.  Dr. Carley Dodd and Dr. Cindy Roper, professors in ACU’s Department of Communication and Sociology, serve as editors-in-chief and on the journal’s editorial board.

This journal is significant for the Library in that it is more international in scope than other journals we have developed.  The executive board is made up of people stationed in different countries, and is affiliated with the internationally recognized professional and research organization called Families in Global Transition.  It addresses a research niche not well covered by other publications.  In the two weeks since its launch, the articles have been downloaded over 100 times by scholars in over 25 different countries.

Dr. Dodd shared, “The articles represent good scholarship.  We are extremely blessed by the generous support from the ACU Library.”