Congratulations to our GERO Students as they Graduate from ACU this Sunday! May God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn ~ Psalm 1:1

senior candlelight devo

A Dozen Things For Every ACU Graduate To Remember:

  1. Develop a spirit of gratitude. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18
  2. Start by thanking God. ~1 Chronicles 16:34
  3. Then, thank your parents. ~Ephesians 6:2
  4. Keep learning. ~Proverbs 27:11;  1 Corinthians 2:15
  5. Fight any Tendency Toward Fear. ~ Deuteronomy 31:8     
  6. Find or reconnect with a church home. ~Acts 2:42
  7. Rethink failure. ~Job 4:4;  1 Samuel 2:4 (Failure isn’t getting it wrong. It’s having never tried.)
  8. Take time to Reflect. ~Psalm 49:3
  9. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts and Turn them into Joy. ~2 Corinthians 10:5
  10. Let Love Be Your Guide: “Loved people love people.” ~Titus 3:14
  11. Remember, God will always love you. ~John 3:16
  12. Remember, you are enough: Moses didn’t think he was qualified enough. Gideon didn’t think he was strong enough. Sarah didn’t think she was young enough. The woman at the well didn’t think she was holy enough. Zacchaeus didn’t think he was tall enough. God takes you as you are. He’ll qualify you and strengthen you. He’ll give you what you need.

Readers, What advice would you give to a graduate?



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list adapted from