(325) 674-2173 sitc@acu.edu

Wildcat Software

About Wildcat Software

Wildcat Software is a student-run, staff-mentored software development company. Students employed by Wildcat Software have the opportunity to work for real employees on a variety of tasks, including mobile app, web, or software development. This opportunity gives students the opportunity to gain experience with customer interface and understand the process of managing deliverables.


Since 2014, Wildcat Software has successfully completed four projects and is currently growing with six additional projects at various stages of development.  Employing seven students, Wildcat Software combines depth of knowledge with breadth of skills.
Students are encouraged to find technologies from outside their classes to perform their work in, and are also the primary contact point with the client.  This allows the students a greater breadth of knowledge than what they would just get from classroom experience and provides real-world, hands-on experience working with clients.  Students have done development work in Python/Flask, Objective C/Swift, and are going to explore C#/ASP.NET on future projects.  This is in addition to their exposure to JQuery/Javascript, PHP, and C++ in their coursework.
Students that have sought jobs, either full-time or internships, have reported very positive responses from interviewers, with one student reporting that Wildcat Software is what set him apart from the competition, not only from a qualifications standpoint, but also from being prepared for the rigors of industry.  Faculty have also reported that Wildcat Software students will bring up interesting perspectives during class discussions, allowing for a wider breadth of knowledge that is relevant to several classes.

Projects and Activities

  • iOS app for Gift Clarity
  • Canvas plug-in
  • ACU’s Students Association vote.acu.edu system