Archive for ‘DSGN 463’

DSGN 463: Student Presentations

0 Commentsby   |  09.07.12  |  Assignments, DSGN 463

We will spend the first few weeks of the semester hearing (and seeing) from each student about their internship experience. This is an extremely valuable exercise for both the presenter and the audience. Shared experiences will surface, as well as unique ones. Hopefully, this will help illustrate the breadth of possibilities in field of design.

The presentations should answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name, location and type of business/firm/store? (Include types of projects they typically work on.)
  2. What types of experience did you gain? What types of projects did you work on? (Include visual examples of work completed – design sketches, site photos, construction photos, etc.)
  3. Were your goals and expectation met? How and why or why not? (Include specific reflections on experience.)
  4. What conclusions did you draw from the experience and how will they influence your career choice?
Each student will have 15 minutes for their presentation, with and additional 5-10 minutes for Q&A/discussion. We will develop a schedule in class for the order of presentations. Please be well-prepared to present at your assigned date and time.