Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!

This series of books help you succeed on the job and in the classroom by breaking down challenging clinical concepts and presenting them in a refreshingly original, engaging style that is easy to understand. The tone is light, but never simplistic, and makes learning both interesting and effective. All resources combine informative clinical artwork with illustrations that reinforce key points and the series’ trademark humour. The ACU library now has 10 of these titles for checkout. 

The Critical Care Nursing helps to master the basics like the science and skills needed to tackle critical care basics, holistic care, and body system-based issues. Nursing Documentation is there to avoid errors and pitfalls and assist in charting crucial data quickly and accurately. Discover the latest in research and therapeutic Maternal-Neonatal nursing interventions, covering areas such as prenatal care; high-risk pregnancy; family planning, contraception and infertility; labour and birth; and postpartum care. These texts assist in making different areas of nursing easy and fun to learn.

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