The DRAWN Coaching Technique: Foundations of Missional Practice (BMIS 646.01)

In compliance with the following MACM Outcome Objectives:  MACM Outcome 2: Practice: (Graduates will have knowledge and skills related to a particular aspect of ministerial practice) and MACM Outcome 3: Integration: (Graduates will have ability to integrate theological and theoretical concepts with concrete ministry situations,) the following project explored the use of a concrete ministry tool designed to coach someone toward positive change via the direction of the Holy Spirit, as they seek to achieve a desire of their heart.  The theological premise is that God is by nature a revealer, and part of participating in his Kingdom is helping one another call forth and draw out what he is revealing to his people by his Holy Spirit.  The tool invites us to listen effectively to another person and listen to God on behalf of the other person in a way that invites the Holy Spirit to lead and guide.  It is a valuable ministry tool that has greatly enhanced my practice as a spiritual friend that I can use in a variety of ministry settings.

I engaged in four separate coaching experiences using the DRAWN technique, introduced and copyrighted by Kent Smith.   Using the acronym DRAWN a map is laid out for guiding someone through this process:  D (Describing Desire), R (Reviewing Resources, A (Ask God), W (Weighing Ways) and N (Naming the Next Step.)  I have included a reflection of each coaching session with my coaching notes attached, and then a final reflection paper.

Coaching Experiences 
Final Coaching Paper



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