Art & Design Giving Oportunties

Exciting things are happening in the Art & Design department and we have been extremely grateful to those who have partnered with us. We have recently completed a campaign raising funds for a renovation project. This will be an exciting space where students can collaborate, create and likely take naps after working all night on projects (you probably remember those nights). Below are a few more ways you can join us in building an environment and experiences that will shape the next generation of ACU A&D graduates.

Opportunities to Partner with Us

1)  Student Art & Design Supplies (Goal: $5,000)
Attending ACU is expensive and there are many additional, daily expenses as an A&D major. These include all manner of art supplies and printing charges. We have many students who fund their experience at ACU from a variety of sources including athletic and academic scholarships. These sources typically don’t cover purchasing art supplies, printing charges, etc. I have repeatedly seen the humble generosity of our faculty covering expenses out of their own pockets. Please consider partnering with us to support these students with financial need. Contact Mike Wiggins with questions or for more information.

HOW TO GIVE: You can give online through ACU’s secure website. Select “Other gift designation not listed” from the drop-down menu next to your donation amount, and type “Art and Design Student Supplies” in the available field below. You also can give by mail or by phone; refer to this website for details.

2) Housing for Fine Arts Internships in Dallas (Goal: $1,800 annually or $45,000 endowed)
Our new Fine Arts Internship Program, now in its second year, seeks funds to cover two-month’s housing at ACU CitySquare (Dallas) for two Art and Design interns. CitySquare is located in the newest arts district of Dallas, the Cedars, populated by scores of artists’ studios and exhibition spaces. The program is designed to meet the needs of student interns. Providing free housing opens the internships to every student and keeps financial hardship from preventing participation. Students are carefully selected and placed with a Dallas-area mentor whose professional success is in the student’s intended career path. Our first three interns, Morgan Keefer, Taylor McDaniel, and Emily Cromwell, were mentored by artist and teacher Bonny Leibowitz. Other professional artists and practitioners are eagerly waiting in the wings to serve as mentors in future years. Contact Robert Green with questions or for more information. 

HOW TO GIVE: You can give online through ACU’s secure website. Select “Other gift designation not listed” from the drop-down menu next to your donation amount, and type “Art and Design Housing for Fine Arts Internship” in the available field below. You also can give by mail or by phone; refer to this website for details.

3) SVA, MFA Design Summer Masters Workshop in Italy – Student Scholarship (Goal: $3,000 annually)
We have a special relationship with NYC’s School of Visual Art (SVA) MFA Design program. Every summer they take a small group of 15-20 people to study typography in Rome. The Summer Masters Workshop in Italy is lead by renowned design writer and art direction Steven Heller, design extraordinaire Louise Fili, and Lita Talarico. This is a highly competitive program but they have agreed to reserve a spot for an ACU A&D student each year. This trip is about $6k and doesn’t include airfare or food, but the student will earn 3 hours of graduate level credit from SVA! We hope to raise at least $3,000 a year for a student scholarship.

HOW TO GIVE: You can give online through ACU’s secure website. Select “Other gift designation not listed” from the drop-down menu next to your donation amount, and type “Art and Design Summer Masters Workshop in Italy” in the available field below. You also can give by mail or by phone; refer to this website for details.