Assignment: Function/Form Essay

1 Commentby   |  09.11.16  |  Assignments

Write a 3-page essay creating a plan for your publication. It should be double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman or Cambria. (Cite sources where appropriate.)

The outline should be as follows:

I. Function/Form – What connotations are you going for? Give me a list of words that embody your publication. What is the purpose of the publication? What are your goals? How do those things affect your form — frequency, design choices, etc. What design elements or decisions will you make to further the mission of the publication? Be general, not too specific here. Don’t give me typefaces and grid structure.

II. Audience – Who will be reading you publication? How many potential audience members do you have? What makes them tick?

  1. Demographic Description. How many people in your geographic coverage area would be interested in reading your publication. How educated are they? Where do they live?
  2. Psychographic Description. What makes them tick? What are their values? How do they consume your publication? Do they subscribe or buy off the rack?

III. Competition – Who’s your competition? How will you be different?

IV Advertising – What are your potential advertisers?

Due Friday at midnight.

1 Comment

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