Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Raygun Rises Again As “C A R S O N”

0 Commentsby   |  01.19.11  |  Typography

Raygun Rises Again As “C A R S O N”

30 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design

0 Commentsby   |  01.05.11  |  Typography

30 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design

Vogue on Vogue

0 Commentsby   |  12.16.10  |  Magazine covers

From Fall Pub Design student Sandra Amstutz: This is something I thought you might find interesting. All of the covers of this year’s Vogue are superimposed on top of each other and then compared with the Vogue’s of other countries.


0 Commentsby   |  11.23.10  |  Color


True to type: why letters are a labour of love | Art and design | The Observer

0 Commentsby   |  10.19.10  |  Typography

True to type: why letters are a labour of love | Art and design | The Observer.

Typeface Pairing by Typophile

0 Commentsby   |  10.05.10  |  Typography

Typeface Pairing

Mixing Fonts by Hoefler & Frere-Jones

0 Commentsby   |  10.05.10  |  Typography

Mixing Fonts | Hoefler & Frere-Jones.

Under new federal guidelines all New York City street signs will have to be made lower-case –

0 Commentsby   |  10.01.10  |  Typography

Under new federal guidelines all New York City street signs will have to be made lower-case –

Goudy in Popular Science

0 Commentsby   |  09.30.10  |  History, Typography

This embed won’t work on the iPhone, but it’s a good read:

Pop Science Goudy

The Road to Clarity

0 Commentsby   |  09.28.10  |  Typography

The Road to Clarity

The New York Times reports on a change in highway signage typography in this story from 2007.