Kenneth Pybus's Archive Article Center | Tired of Lorem Ipsum? Heres More Fun Placeholder Text

0 Commentsby   |  12.20.14  |  Typography Article Center | Tired of Lorem Ipsum? Heres More Fun Placeholder Text.

Thanksgiving Special — How Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Meals

0 Commentsby   |  11.23.14  |  History

Thanksgiving Special — How Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Meals.

Some Screen Design Readings

0 Commentsby   |  11.10.14  |  Typography

The iOS Design Guidelines

iPad wireframe template

Better UI for Better Typography | I Love Typography

0 Commentsby   |  10.28.14  |  Typography

Better UI for Better Typography | I Love Typography.

F2 Design: Letterpress Printing and Poster Design on Vimeo

0 Commentsby   |  10.19.14  |  Posters, Typography

F2 Design: Letterpress Printing and Poster Design on Vimeo on Vimeo

via F2 Design: Letterpress Printing and Poster Design on Vimeo.

Comic Sans Criminal – Theres help available for people like you!

0 Commentsby   |  10.19.14  |  Typography

Hat tip to Marci Hoxworth:

Comic Sans Criminal – Theres help available for people like you!.

Firefly Press

0 Commentsby   |  10.03.14  |  Typography

[youtube Iv69kB_e9KY]

Double Spaces and Underlining

0 Commentsby   |  10.02.14  |  Typography

And why you don’t use them. By the late Bill Hill, Microsoft’s former type director.

[youtube SA3NsdPNbZY]


Erik Spiekermann on Screen Fonts

0 Commentsby   |  10.02.14  |  Typography

[youtube 9IjgyPoYbOY]

The Geekiest Font Quiz You Will Ever Take

0 Commentsby   |  10.01.14  |  Typography

The Geekiest Font Quiz You Will Ever Take.