Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Palin E-mail Account Hacked

by   |  09.17.08  |  Privacy

RNC use of ‘Barracuda’ as Palin theme song angers Heart

by   |  09.05.08  |  Current Events

EU wants to ban ‘sexist’ TV commercials

by   |  09.05.08  |  Current Events

Watch out, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Apparel and Urban Outfitters! More »

Guns ‘n’ Roses copyright thief faces prison

by   |  09.03.08  |  Current Events

Bollywood producers defend ‘Hari Puttar’ film

by   |  08.31.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Don’t forget Hari’s best friend, Juan Wheezlie. More »

Community College atheists put up ‘gay Jesus’ poster

by   |  08.27.08  |  Free Speech

This is the student handbook language: “Harassing any person(s) verbally, in writing, by graphic illustration, or physically, including any abuse, defamatory comments, signs or signals intended to mock or ridicule race, religion, age, sex, color, disability, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin” is not allowed. More »

Disney’s rights to young Mickey Mouse may be wrong

by   |  08.27.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Fascinating story. We’ll come back to this later this semester. Below are Steamboat Willy and Mickey. More »

Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical

by   |  08.26.08  |  Broadcast Regulation

Privacy and Criminal Law

by   |  08.16.08  |  Privacy More »

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

by   |  08.12.08  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine