Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Religious Freedom Potpourri

by   |  04.02.08  |  Current Events

Here are a few establishment clause/free exercise clause stories that have cropped up this week. More »

Computer games to get cigarette-style health warnings

by   |  03.26.08  |  Current Events

Commercial speech, video games, international legislation with a potential U.S. application. This looks like a great question for a Comm Law final. More »

Court upholds ban on Minnesota video game law

by   |  03.21.08  |  Current Events

This has to go into my paper on video game violence and the First Amendment. More »

Court Will Examine Profanity Rules

by   |  03.21.08  |  Current Events

Son Gets Detention for Wearing T-Shirt With Gun Image

by   |  03.11.08  |  student speech

Shades of Tinker or Fraser and “Bong Hits”? More »

Judge quashes libel ruling against restaurant critic

by   |  03.11.08  |  Current Events

Cold Remedy Airborne Settles Lawsuit

by   |  03.10.08  |  Current Events

An example that shows commercial speech has less protection than other forms of speech. More »

Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal

by   |  03.10.08  |  Current Events

An interesting question: Is anonymous speech protected? More »

Gannett subject of ‘false light’ libel case to go before state court

by   |  03.06.08  |  privacy: false light

Someone didn’t study in his communication law course. Evidence of “defamation” is not an element of false light. More »

When pop culture tributes become copyright infringements

by   |  03.05.08  |  Current Events