Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Broadcast Powerpoint

by   |  03.24.10  |  Broadcast Regulation, Free Speech

Download Broadcast Law Powerpoint for Comm Law on March 30, 2010. More »

Oprah Winfrey Settles Philadelphia Defamation Suit

by   |  03.24.10  |  Libel

Oprah Winfrey Settles Philadelphia Defamation Suit More »

Photographers and police: a First Amendment clash

by   |  03.19.10  |  Free Speech, Newsgathering

Photographers and police: a First Amendment clash More »

Divided appeals court rules Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t violate Constitution

by   |  03.11.10  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause

Divided appeals court rules Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t violate Constitution More »

SCOTUS: Bankruptcy law doesn’t restrict free speech

by   |  03.10.10  |  Commercial Speech, Free Speech

Bankruptcy law doesn’t restrict free speech, Supreme Court says More »

New law banning sex offenders from social networks a free speech flop?

by   |  03.09.10  |  Free Speech

New law banning sex offenders from social networks a free speech flop? . More »

Roberts: Scene at State of Union `very troubling’

by   |  03.09.10  |  Supreme Court


Roberts: Scene at State of Union `very troubling’ More »

Lindsay Lohan sues over milkaholic ETrade ad

by   |  03.09.10  |  privacy: appropriation

[youtube lEXZ2hfD3bU]

Hat tip to Comm Law student Laura Acuff for the pointer to this story. As I told her, methinks the lady doth protest too much. Let’s see, her argument is that they are using her likeness — a little girl named Lindsay with a bad reputation — and defaming her. Sounds like bootstrapping to me. More »

Justices to hear case over protests at military funerals

by   |  03.08.10  |  Free Speech, protest

Justices to hear case over protests at military funerals More »

Adult Photography Record-keeping and Inspection Law Threatens Free Speech, Privacy

by   |  03.07.10  |  Obscenity and Pornography

This is a good start to our discussion of pornography and obscenity. Read that chapter before class on Tuesday. More »