Last week, first year’s spent their Thursday night in the Maker Lab!
As a section in the Motor Speech Disorders course, students learn about Augmentative and Alternative Communication(AAC) and Assistive Technology(AT). Our students began their exploration of this area of our field by adapting toys to make them more accessible for individuals with disabilities. With the help of the ACU Maker Lab, students were able to rewire the power source of the toys. Students modified difficult, inaccessible switches to more accessible switches like flip switches on bracelets and bigger push buttons. This project allowed students to see the importance of fostering independence for our clients that are AAC users, as well as get an opportunity to discover the unique collaborations that can occur with professionals in other fields, like engineering. The toys will be given a new home to individuals with disabilities in our community. Thank you to the Maker Lab for letting our department utilize your resources and collaborate for a common goal– accessibility!