Denise Barnett's Archive

Students Spook Professor!

by   |  11.07.13  |  Uncategorized


Grad halloween

The first year of graduate school has its fair share of projects, research papers, exams, and deadlines. So, what better way to de-stress than to dress up for class in Halloween costumes?  The first year graduate students did just that and showed off their creativity in the process!  They surprised Dr. Austin, who teaches their childhood language disorders class, by planning the occasion days in advance.  As a result, Dr. Austin lectured that afternoon to a room that included a peacock, a bank robber, an M&M, Rosie the Riveter, Wednesday from the Adam’s family, Waldo, and Katniss from The Hunger Games. And for all their creative work, the imaginative students enjoyed some well-deserved candy!

It Was a Great Homecoming!!

by   |  10.25.13  |  ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Alumni Spotlights, Events, Uncategorized

ACU celebrated Homecoming last weekend and so did we! Check out some of the CSD alumni who stopped in.


Courtney Bellomy Stone and the boys!

Courtney Bellomy Stone and the boys!

Alyson Pennington Reves and the guys!

Alyson Pennington Reves and the guys!


Sara and Jordan Bunch and the puppy!

Sara and Jordan Bunch and the puppy!


Carol Lester and the twins!!

Carol Lester and the twins!!


Marissa Baldwin Huddleston (with a bun in the oven!) and her mom!

Marissa Baldwin Huddleston (with a bun in the oven!) and her mom!


Jenny Rich, Michael Blackmon, and Dr. Bender

Jenny Rich, Michael Blackmon, and Dr. Bender


by   |  10.24.13  |  Uncategorized

The ACU Chapter of NSSLHA recently hosted a hotdog cookout for all CSD undergraduate and graduate students.  Over 60 students invaded the Barnett’s backyard and enjoyed the beautiful fall evening among old and new friends.


2013-09-15 05.38.12 2013-09-15 05.41.042013-09-15 05.52.31

ACU NSSLHA Members Help at BUNCO!

by   |  10.24.13  |  ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Current Students, Events, Uncategorized

A dozen plus students from the ACU Chapter of NSSLHA volunteered at  the annual BUNCO for Breast Cancer held on October 15th.  Sponsored by Hendrick Medical Center, the Communication Sciences and Disorders majors served as table referees, passing out beads and prizes to table winners. This is the second year for our students to participate.

Hundreds of women (and men) play BUNCO for Breast Cancer

Hundreds of women (and men) play BUNCO for Breast Cancer

See ya at Convention!

by   |  03.01.12  |  Announcements, Current Students, Events, The Faculty

This time next week, the ACU faculty, 40 undergraduates and 29 graduate students will be attending the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in San Antonio. Dr. Baggs and Dr. Barnett will be presenting research findings related to graduate admissions. The entire faculty and the second year graduate students will also be presenting their research during the poster sessions on Friday and Saturday. Annual University Day events will take place on Friday. Come find our table outside the Praxis Bowl area before the big competition! Hang around and watch our graduate students compete against other universities.