CSD Graduating Seniors Named University Scholars

by   |  04.21.14  |  ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Announcements, Current Students, Uncategorized

Laura Baxter and Kara Nestle

Laura Baxter and Kara Nestle

Laura Baxter and Kara Nestle were recognized on Tuesday, April 15th as University Scholars during the University Scholars Chapel. Both will graduate in May with the Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Laura has participated in the ACU Honors Program and will receive the Certificate of Studies in Gerontology. She completed a research project mentored by Dr. C.D. Pruett entitled Evaluating Knowledge and Identifying Age-Biases of Undergraduate Communication Sciences and Disorders Students at a Private Southwestern University.  Laura recently presented the paper at the Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting in San Antonio.  Laura is president of the ACU chapter of Sigma Phi Omega, a member of  Alpha Chi Honor Society, a member of Ko Jo Kai social club, and has memberships in TSHA, NSSLHA, and BCSLHA.  Laura attends Beltway Park Baptist Church in Abilene, her home congregation is the Memorial Church of Christ in Houston, TX.  In the fall, she will begin graduate studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Texas Christian University.

Kara has participated in the McNair Scholars Program during which time she completed research entitled, Effects of the iPad on Teaching and Improving Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She presented the paper at the Texas National McNair Scholars Research Conference at the University of North Texas. Dr. Denise Barnett was her research mentor. While at ACU, Kara has been an active member of the ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Alpha Chi Honor Society, and Zeta Rho social club. She is a member of Hillcrest Church of Christ.  Kara will begin the graduate program in Communication Sciences and Disorders at ACU this fall.

CSD Students Present Research at Undergraduate Research Festival

by   |  04.21.14  |  ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Announcements, Current Students, Events, Uncategorized

Tessa Wolford, Josi Flores, Kara Nestle, and Adelaide Rich

Tessa Wolford, Josi Flores, Kara Nestle, and Adelaide Rich


Tessa Wolford and Jeanette Avila

Tessa Wolford and Jeanette Avila

The annual Undergraduate Research Festival took place on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at the Hunter Welcome Center. The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders was well represented as five of our students presented the results of their research.

Kara Nestle, senior from Springtown, Texas, made an oral presentation on the Effects of the iPad on Teaching and Improving Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Kara completed this research while participating in the McNair Scholars Program. After graduating in May 2014, Kara will return to ACU in the fall to begin graduate studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Adelaide Rich conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Mel Hailey in Political Science. She presented her findings during a poster session entitled Lack of Services for Those Affected by Autism in the UK. Addie is a sophomore from Boerne, Texas.

Tessa Wolford, a sophomore CSD major from North Richland Hills, Texas, completed research while participating in the Justice and Urban Studies Team (JUST) program.  Her oral presentation was on the topic, The Effects of Mentors in an Adolescent’s Life: An Evaluation of the Availability of Mentorship in Dallas ISD .

Jeanette Avila is a sophomore CSD major from Waxahachie, Texas. Also a participant in the JUST program, Jeanette presented findings from a study entitled Nutrition from a Child’s Perspective.

Josi Flores, senior International Studies major from Abilene, Texas, presented on the topic,The Effects of Military Modernization on Global Powers. Josi will begin leveling coursework this fall in the ACU CSD program in preparation for graduate studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Cooking Up A Sound Christmas Gift!

by   |  11.07.13  |  Uncategorized




Ever wanted to know how to make almond tea punch, chicken tortilla soup, New Orleans shrimp and grits, or chocolate chip zucchini bread?The cookbook, “Mmm! Mmm! Sounds Good!” features these and more than 250 other delicious recipes submitted by ACU students, alumni, and professors. In addition, it has ideas for activities that would be useful in therapy and recipes for homemade face paint and play dough.The cookbook costs just $8 (plus $2 shipping) and makes a great Christmas gift! All proceeds benefit the scholarship fund of the ACU chapter of NSSLHA. To order yours, contact Dr. Barnett at barnettd@acu.edu.

Students Spook Professor!

by   |  11.07.13  |  Uncategorized


Grad halloween

The first year of graduate school has its fair share of projects, research papers, exams, and deadlines. So, what better way to de-stress than to dress up for class in Halloween costumes?  The first year graduate students did just that and showed off their creativity in the process!  They surprised Dr. Austin, who teaches their childhood language disorders class, by planning the occasion days in advance.  As a result, Dr. Austin lectured that afternoon to a room that included a peacock, a bank robber, an M&M, Rosie the Riveter, Wednesday from the Adam’s family, Waldo, and Katniss from The Hunger Games. And for all their creative work, the imaginative students enjoyed some well-deserved candy!

It Was a Great Homecoming!!

by   |  10.25.13  |  ACU Chapter of NSSLHA, Alumni Spotlights, Events, Uncategorized

ACU celebrated Homecoming last weekend and so did we! Check out some of the CSD alumni who stopped in.


Courtney Bellomy Stone and the boys!

Courtney Bellomy Stone and the boys!

Alyson Pennington Reves and the guys!

Alyson Pennington Reves and the guys!


Sara and Jordan Bunch and the puppy!

Sara and Jordan Bunch and the puppy!


Carol Lester and the twins!!

Carol Lester and the twins!!


Marissa Baldwin Huddleston (with a bun in the oven!) and her mom!

Marissa Baldwin Huddleston (with a bun in the oven!) and her mom!


Jenny Rich, Michael Blackmon, and Dr. Bender

Jenny Rich, Michael Blackmon, and Dr. Bender