Brian Burton's Archive

New Book on Amazon Lumberyard

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.18  |  3D Models, Amazon Lumberyard, Game Development, Texture

Did you know that Dr. Burton has written a new book on game development?

The latest one shows how to make a game using the Amazon Lumberyard game engine.

You can learn more about the book and resources here:

Global Game Jam at ACU!

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.18  |  Global Game Jam

Join us for Global Game Jam 2018!!

Be sure to register and be ready to build great games in 48 hours!

You can register here:


Learn to develop games in Amazon Lumberyard

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.18  |  3D Models, Amazon Lumberyard, Animation, DET, Game Development, Texture

Dr. Burton has started a series of tutorials using Amazon Lumberyard on Youtube:




A tutorial on UV Unwrap with Blender

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.18  |  3D Models, Texture

We are cranking out tutorials in DET!
Here is a recent tutorial by Professor Tanner on UV Wrap with Blender:

Steam VR: 302 Lab!!

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.18  |  Game Development

Professor Tanner was busy over the Christmas break and created the 302 Lab in Steam VR!
You can see it here!

302 Lab

Using the Oculus Rift for Film

0 Commentsby   |  02.21.14  |  DET, Film

Digital Entertainment is very excited about a current project using the Oculus Rift.

Last Fall the department acquired an Oculus Rift for development purposes.  This spring we have been exploring the use of the Oculus Rift as a technology for storytelling in film.  Our first short film is in production.  We hope to have a sample available for viewing later this semester.

A little FX

0 Commentsby   |  02.21.14  |  DET, Film

We have had a great year thus far creating special effects for film.

Here is a small sampling of student projects:

Tekkan Battle:

Hockey Magic:


The Reporter:


These are short demonstrations of students learning special effects.

More samples coming soon!

0 Commentsby   |  11.27.13  |  Game Development, Global Game Jam

ACU DET Club will again be hosting the Global Game Jam this January, ggjthumbnail24-26 in the Mabee Business Building on the ACU campus.  Plan to bring your “A” game!

Global Game Jam 2013!

0 Commentsby   |  01.18.13  |  Corona SDK, Game Development, Mobile Game Dev

ACU and the DET department will be hosting teams for the GGJ 2013!

The excitement begins Friday, January 25 at 5PM for the keynote and revealing of the theme.

Then the selection of teams and fun of game development begins, to conclude at 3PM on Sunday, January 27.

Corona Labs has graciously agreed to supply pizza, soda, snacks, and SWAG during the event, so that you can focus on making great games!

We are limiting our teams to ACU students.  We will work out of the Mabee Business Building (primarily on the 2nd & 3rd floor, centered around the 214 lab).  You can register for the event at


1 Commentby   |  10.28.12  |  Animation, DET, Film

Beginning Fall of 2012, the DET program now has multiple licenses of ToonBoom’s Harmony animation software in the DET Lab.  Harmony is used in many of the top-rated, award nominated (and winning) cartoons and animations in both TV and film.

If you are itching to make the next great cartoon or animation, stop by and check it out!