Bill Rankin’s iPhone Pix

20 Commentsby   |  10.20.10  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2010


  1. Kyle Dickson
    8:03 am, 10.20.10

    Still amazing to me that this level of images was produced on a phone. I know you edited some of your point and shoot photos in Aperture, but did you do any color processing on these (on your laptop or iPhone)? Really nice.

  2. Bill Rankin
    8:16 am, 10.20.10

    Aside from the top image of the house & sky, I used a $0.99 app on these called TiltShift Generator .

    The app lets you post-process pictures (or take pictures straight from within the app if you prefer) to add various sorts of blurs, allowing the iPhone to approximate some depth-of-field so you can emphasize certain parts of your photo. The app can do either circular or linear focuses (the store door and bricks both use linear; the doll mold and antler chandelier both use circular).

    I found that when I was initially using the app, I did stuff that made me happy when I viewed the image on the iPhone screen, but when I saw the photo full-size on the screen, my edits had been excessive. A lighter touch made a more interesting final product, I think.

    Though I didn’t ultimately choose to post one of these, I’ve also used an app that produces really good panoramic images (without you having to take pictures in any special way–with a tripod or with careful controls about overlaps). AutoStitch Panorama costs $2.99 , but it’s a great app that I’d highly recommend (some of the comments are pretty negative, but I’ve never had problems with the app). I’ve sometimes used it to produce higher megapixel images than I could otherwise take with my iPhone or to produce large vistas and panoramas. I don’t think there’s a limit to how many pictures one includes in the final panorama, and the iPhone does all the work of seaming the pictures together.

  3. Bill Rankin
    8:23 am, 10.20.10

    In answer to your question, Kyle, I did typically only very minor editing in Aperture. I’m pretty sure that the top photo of the house has no edits; the others, I’ve typically just slightly adjusted blackpoint or contrast, or done some minor sharpening. The one big exception is the doll mold. I amped up the color quite a bit on that one to emphasize the glowing colors coming from nearby neon signs. The original photo showed mostly a white background with just hints of these colors, but I liked the drama of the colors playing on the face and in the shadows.

  4. Nil Santana
    5:21 pm, 10.20.10

    These are great, Bill!! I want that Tilt&Shift app. :)

    I second Kyle’s comment here. Truly amazing the image quality that the new phones have achieved, with such a small lens and sensor. On the other hand, some apps have provided neat image adjustment and effects.

  5. Shanna
    12:00 pm, 04.26.16

    Your article was exlneclet and erudite.

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  13. http://www./
    4:14 am, 10.02.16

    This is hilarious! I grew up in a house with three girls and one boy, and he made way more of a mess than we did combined. I hope the party went well. It sounds like you learned lots of lessons. Great post!

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    11:02 am, 11.19.16

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  16. http://www./
    7:52 am, 11.24.16

    "Don't piss off the White Female Republicans by introducing a sexual predator/competitor. "Instead we do the exact opposite, introduce latino, black, asian, indian men who endlessly validate the white woman. Clubs are full of non-whites hitting on white women and there are far fewer desirable/eligible indian, mexican, black women out there for white men. Asians are the exception.

  17. http://www./
    11:43 pm, 02.02.17

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  18. http://www./
    2:23 pm, 02.11.17

    That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!

  19. http://www./
    6:37 am, 03.01.17

    Couple of thoughts.From everything I’ve read – the shooter didn’t exchange fire with the police. And he was taken straight to jail (didn’t have to be hospitalized) – so we really have no idea how the shooter would have reacted if he was subject to return fire. But I believe that he probably would not have done well. Nothing we have learned about this guy so far has given any indication that he had any history or experience with firearms.

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