photos from Ginna

10 Commentsby   |  04.12.11  |  Photography Gruene, Spring 2011


  1. Hilary
    7:23 am, 04.13.11

    Is the second shot a really close-up shot of a yucca? I love it!

  2. Kyle Dickson
    8:10 am, 04.13.11

    Something as simple as two pieces of wood meeting. Love the feel of their texture.

  3. Nil
    8:17 am, 04.13.11

    Isn’t that great (Kyle)? Such a simple composition and subject-matter but very intriguing picture. Great shots Ginna, I also like the texture on the tree.

  4. Tracy Shilcutt
    2:52 pm, 04.14.11

    I am most intrigued by the dead? plant that was on the side of the house– I like it Ginna.

  5. Julissa
    3:27 pm, 04.17.16

    I’ve been loknoig for a post like this forever (and a day)

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