Current ACUE Leaders


President:  Sean Logsdon (sean2sheen#3358) –
Vice President: Josh (PrimeMiner#8829)
Treasurer: Bryce Niedziejko (1KingB64)
Social Media Director:  Walker Herrold (Bear7013)
Faculty Sponsors: Eric Lemmons (Xathrus ), Duane Anderson (7Sophos4)

Super Smash Bros:Thomas Boton (Smash)
Hearthstone: Wyatt Whitaker (Smikson)
Valorant: Bryce Niedziejko (1KingB64)
Rocket League: Alejandro Ibarra  (Wall)

Not every semester requires captains for every game. If you are looking for certain information about a certain team, feel free to contact anyone on the list.

The best way to reach out to us is through our discord server!