5 Tips to Balance Social Life and College Life Together

Balancing social life and college life could be challenging, especially for first-year students. College life can be quite stimulating. It can be full of wonderful opportunities for students where they not only get a chance to learn new skills but to network, pursue internships and part-time jobs. College life is a transitional period from high school to the professional world of responsibilities and commitments. Amidst the hectic study schedules and pressure of completing assignments and academic papers on time, students need to find a way to balance their social and college lives. In this article, I am sharing 5 tips for the same.
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#1 Importance of Setting Priorities and Scheduling

It might feel wonderful sitting idle in the cafeteria with friends. But if you make it a habit without prioritising your tasks, it could get you into trouble. Making friends and socialising is an important aspect of college life, but at the same time, you must focus on your studies. A good way to achieve both these goals is to set up a schedule.
  • Create a study timetable after classes so that you can revise what you studied in the classroom and work on your assignments.
  • Use calendar blocking to block time for various activities such as having meals, studying, solving assignments, exercising, socialising and so on.
  • Keep deadlines in mind. For instance, if you have an assignment due tomorrow, make sure you head back to your room and work on it instead of socialising.
  • You can keep weekends for socialising if you pay attention during class and complete your work on the weekdays.

#2 Ask for Help

There is no denying that college life can be exhausting and overwhelming. So instead of just keeping your worries whether related to academics or your personal life to yourself, seek support from experts. For tough assignments like dissertations or term papers, you can contact a dissertation helper and seek assistance in research, referencing, formatting, dissertation writing and editing. In case you are having problems socialising with people in college, there is no harm in consulting the student counsellor at your campus. Otherwise, many anonymous services offer counselling services for students where they can share their problems without feeling insecure or nervous about revealing their identity to someone who they know or have to meet in college regularly.

#3 It is Okay to Say No

If you want to balance your social and college life, learn to say no. Create boundaries and respect them. For instance, if your friends are making plans to go out at night but you have a test early in the morning, find the courage to say no. Jasmine, who offers psychology assignment help services to college students says, “do not say yes to any plan which would affect your studies just because you want to impress your friends or because of fear of missing out. If you cannot respect your boundaries, people will never respect you and consider you for granted.”

#4 Create a Productive Environment

You can achieve all your academic goals easily if you work on maintaining a productive, student-friendly environment for yourself. A student-friendly environment is one that aids learning and minimises distractions. Raven, who provides assignment help Australia suggests a few ways to create a productive environment at home:
  • Minimise distractions while studying. For instance, keep your phone away while studying, or at least turn off the notifications. Turn off the TV or video games. If you live with your family or roommates, make sure you do not study near them.
  • Find a quiet, well-lit corner of your house and make it your study space. Keep all your books, stationery, and study materials that you might need at that place. Do not study on your bed as it would make you feel lethargic.
  • Do not study for longer hours if you want to study effectively. Take breaks in between study sessions and refresh your mind.

#5 Take Good Care of Your Health

According to student surveys by the American College Health Association (ACHA) in 2018 and 2019, 60% of the students who participated in the surveys felt “overwhelming” anxiety and 40% were experiencing severe depression in college that they had difficulty in performing everyday tasks. Other common health disorders experienced by college students include eating disorders, addiction and suicide. Amy, who provides my assignment assistance to college and university students in Perth says, “students must read more about mental health and follow the practices that can help them keep a healthy mind and body. For example, exercising, meditation, journaling, counselling and so on.”

Key Takeaways

There is no perfect formula of how one can balance their social and college life. But, you can always experiment with different techniques and learn from your mistakes. Start with creating goals, setting priorities and creating a schedule. Create boundaries to maintain your schedule. Learn when to say no and never hesitate in asking for help from your friends, teachers or tutors. Last, but not least, take good care of your health as college time could be quite vulnerable.