10 Things You Should Never Tell Your Child’s School Bus Drivers

Being a school bus driver is not easy. Not everyone understands and appreciates the enormous responsibility of being a school bus driver. Serious skills are needed for drivers to effectively drive a school bus full of students. Sometimes this can be a frustrating and irritating task. They are not only responsible for ensuring the safe operation of the school bus, but also for maintaining proper discipline on the school bus.

School bus drivers often receive harsh statements from parents, passengers, etc. If you are a parent, you should probably avoid making certain statements to a school bus driver. Remember that they regularly supervise the safety of children. Let’s take a look at them.

  1. “No, I will never allow my son to ride a school bus because he is so dangerous.”

It is certainly a wrong thing to say to a school bus driver. School bus safety is considered paramount by everyone from school bus manufacturers and school authorities to transportation administrators, drivers, and assistants to ensure greater safety.

There are perpetual debates about whether the presence or absence of seat belts will reduce school bus accidents. While the debate can go on for a long time, it is a fact that padded upper seats protect students from collisions when they sit off the ground. And when you compare the number of car accidents with school bus accidents, you will find that a safe driver is the safest source of transportation for your child.

  1. “Didn’t you see how my child was tormented on the school transport?

That’s one more complaint you will tell a school bus driver. To be honest, this is a false accusation. You can imagine a large school bus full of students, and as a result, drivers can find it difficult to take care of each child. As a parent, you should tell your child to report the bullying incident to drivers immediately. Only then can drivers find out and take the necessary action.

  1. “Are you sure my son was behind this?” “

This accusation can be a great insult to drivers. They are the witnesses to every incident that occurs on a school bus. Do you think they have vision problems? They have a clear idea of ​​the behavior of each student and that can never be wrong. Therefore, you must advise your child to behave properly on the school bus.

  1. “Actually, the other boy started the discussion first.”

All parents try to protect their children, but before protecting them, ask the driver about the incident. Before blaming another child, ask your child about it. And anyway, if your child is abusing or attacking someone, it is not the right thing to do, even if the other child has started.

  1. “Yeah, I know he’s a troublemaker.”

It means, “I know my son is a nuisance, but I’m not going to do anything about it.” As a parent, you are responsible for instilling good behavior in your children. If your child behaves badly with someone, tell them they are doing something wrong.

  1. “For what reason can’t the school transport go to my home?

Before you complain to the school bus driver about something, try to think about your role and responsibilities. The school bus is not the property of the school bus driver, he is only an employee designated by the school authorities. 

Like any employee, he is responsible for following the rules established by the school administration. Therefore, it is impossible to remove all children from their homes because the authorities decide the most efficient route to get to school faster and the driver cannot violate it.

  1. “Sorry for the delay.”

It is not the right thing to say to a school bus driver. You have to remember that if you are late with your child at the bus stop, you will also delay the other children. Never make stupid excuses to the school bus driver, he didn’t care. And what matters most to them is picking up and dropping off all the children on time. This is why it is better not to complicate the task for yourself.

  1. “Sorry, I didn’t see the bus.”

This is one of the dumbest reasons you can think of in front of a school bus driver. That’s a big lie because it’s impossible not to notice the big yellow school buses with flashing stop signs. This is why it is better to always be vigilant each time a school bus approaches and especially to keep your eyes wide open.

  1. “I didn’t take your bus”

No, you should never say this to a school bus driver because he always does his best to fulfill his responsibilities as a safer driver. They will notice the license plates of vehicles passing on the school bus and immediately notify the appropriate authorities. Today, even school bus students are trained to notice signs that illegally pass the school bus.

  1. “Do you like your job?”

Usually, the job of a school bus driver is not glamorous. Yet, don’t attempt to make them lament the occupation totally. Some people do this work with great interest, so it is better never to spoil the fun. It’s their job and they know how to do it right. Leave them alone.

As a parent, you need to understand that your child is coming home safe and sound thanks to the school bus driver. And, therefore, learn to respect them and avoid unnecessary questioning.


We understand that the job of a school bus driver may not be glamorous, but it is respectable. Some people do this job, just for the experience and the adventure. Don’t spoil your fun by saying something like that. It’s their job and they love to do it for some reason, leave them alone. As a parent, the best thing you can do is thank them for getting your child home safely from school.