How To Take Care Of A Pup That Has A Cold

Is your munchkin not eating well? Does he have watery eyes or nose, or is sneezing or coughing and running a temperature? 

Well, the chances are that your dog is suffering from a cold, commonly known as an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). Let us see what its symptoms are and causes. Find out what you can do to alleviate the pain your little furry friend is experiencing. 

Common causes of the cold in pets

Like human colds, dog colds are also commonly caused by viruses or bacteria. Most often, pets tend to contract colds from other animals if they were in boarding. In fact, dog colds are extremely contagious among other dogs. And changes in weather conditions can also make them susceptible to catching an infection. The germs are most commonly spread through droplets while sneezing or coughing. But interestingly, the chances of your pup getting the affliction from you are almost nil and vice versa. It is unlikely that you can get the cold from your doggo.

Symptoms of the common cold (URTI)

The following are the signs that your pup has caught a cold – 

  • Watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Repeated sneezing
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Lethargy and body aches

Some severe cases might have –

  • Coughing
  • Continuous low-grade fever  
  • Difficulty in breathing  
  • Refusing food and drink

The symptoms usually disappear with proper care and prescribed antibiotics. Just like our cold subsides within a few days when we take the correct medication. 

But please do not administer antibiotics without prior consultation with your vet. But you must keep an eye on your pup for any severe signs or if their health does not seem to improve even after 4 days. Then chances of them suffering from pneumonia run high. You need to tend to your kitten with caution and continue the medicines, coupled with regular visits to your vet. You might want to search “mobile vet for dogs near me” on the net to get immediate assistance at home.

Things you can do at home to help your pup feel better

  • If you have a humidifier, you can turn it on to keep the air nice, warm and moist. It will help your pup breathe more easily and feel comfortable.
  • You need to give him warm, preferably liquid food that he can swallow easily. The key is to keep him hydrated.
  • Wiping his eyes with a gauze dipped in a saline solution will keep them clean.
  • Likewise, regular cleaning or gently wiping their runny nose with a clean cloth also helps.  
  • Cover them with an extra blanket or keep them inside their kennel, covered, at their favorite spot.
  • You can also place a bowl of warm water in front of their resting place. It can help open up the blocked respiratory passages and alleviate congestion in the nose.  

Cold is usually common and self-resolving in animals, especially during weather changes. So, do not panic! With your tender love and timely medications, your little one will get better in no time.