Activities To Undertake That Will Boost Your Resume

The US economy looks to be back after a couple of turbulent years. In March 2022, over 400,000 jobs were added, and unemployment dipped again to 3.6 percent, indicating that a full recovery is very much on the cards.

So, students are now far more optimistic about their job prospects than they were just a few months ago, but that doesn’t mean that the job market will be straightforward to navigate. So, while you’re enjoying your student life at university, it would be wise to seek to add to your resume in powerful ways to boost your profile.

Learn a new language

Source: Unsplash

Whether you want to learn German online, become fluent in Spanish, or even take on Japanese, adding another language to your resume is the tried-and-trusted method of making you stand out. While it is known to be one of the most complex languages, German is a healthy way to go, as English and German have a lot of commonalities, and the step-by-step guide to learning German will make the process much more clear-cut. With a second, or even a third, language under your belt, you’re immediately seen as being useful beyond the job that you’re applying for – particularly among companies that do business overseas. It also shows that you’re up for a challenge.

Embark on an online degree program

If you’re not a student at university – or even if you are and find yourself with plenty of time – taking on an online degree program can offer a tremendous boost to your resume. Even if you’re still undergoing the course when you apply for jobs, it’s an additional point of interest to provide. Not only this, but what undertaking an online course relays is that you’re always looking to learn and that your skillset will only improve in the months or years to come. As you’re willing to spend your free time efficiently to bolster yourself, they’ll see you as a prime candidate for development within the business itself.

Pick up eye-catching hobbies

Source: Pexels

Adding hobbies to the foot of your resume is always a good idea as those reading could find something that they’ll relate to, thus making you more appealing to have in the workplace. Stuff like common hobbies are all well and good, like reading classics or gaming, but you can get a huge boost from hobbies that reflect a strong character, like volunteering. Of all of the ways that you can volunteer to boost your resume, becoming a hospital volunteer, a friend of the elderly, or a gardener stand out as the most likely to show that you live an enriched life and that you have transferable skills.

Get involved in sports

Similar to the hobbies section above, being part of a sports team or partaking in sports on your own can be a bit essential addition for similar reasons. Those reading could relate, see team sports as an indicator of you being a good team player, or understand a solo sport to be particularly difficult and requires a solid mindset, such as long-distance running or boxing. Not only may others in the workplace want another who partakes in the same sports as them, but it also proves that you’re fit and healthy, which is a subtle way to indicate that you won’t take much time off.

If you want to give an extra kick to your resume, be sure to undertake one or more of the activities above.