When Is The Best Time To Get Your Pup Vaccinated?

Love to cuddle with your furry friend? Want to see it healthy, happy, and active all the time? 

Do not forget the vaccines! Timely vaccinations help prevent infections that can take your pup’s life. You need to take a few steps and understand when your puppy needs to be vaccinated.

However, remember that the interval between the booster doses and vaccines is equally vital. So, either take your pup to a mobile vet in Austin to know the right time for vaccination and an overall health check-up of your bundle of joy or read this article thoroughly to understand everything. Here are the pointers you should keep in mind:

  • The first inoculation should be scheduled when the puppy’s age is somewhere between six to eight months. Keep all the medical reports of the new member ready before you visit the vet. Your vet needs to understand which vaccinations have already been administered. They will schedule the next appointment for the ones that are due. 
  • The next step is for your vet to determine the vaccines your pet might need depending on the area you live in or your pet’s frequency of going out. It is required because specific vaccines are meant to cure particular area-specific diseases. 
  • Most vets will ask you to get your pet inoculated every 2 to 4 weeks till the expected immunity is achieved. 
  • Till your puppy is 16 to 20 weeks, the vet might recommend three to four vaccines (the vet will keep your pup’s age in mind) to prevent Distemper and Parvo diseases. 
  • In many cases, pet owners find themselves confused about the shots. So, if your pet is more than 16 weeks and hasn’t received the required vaccines timely, then visit your vet to know what they recommend. They might suggest you get your pet vaccinated for a shorter series. 

Know the vaccines and when to administer them…

  • Core vaccines must be given to all dogs and puppies. Under this type, there are two sub-types:

    • DHP: First vaccine to be administered when the puppy is 6 to 8 weeks. The second one is between 9 to 11 weeks. The third one is between 12 to 15 weeks. The fourth one is between 16 to 20 weeks. Booster DHP: When the pup is 1 year old, post the last puppy shot, then as recommended by your vet, which is usually every 1-3 years.  
    • Rabies: The law makes it mandatory at 3-6 months of age along with a booster dose after 12 months. Repeat the booster every 1-3 years.
  • Non-core vaccines will solely depend on your pet’s lifestyle and where you live or planning to travel. The vaccines that fall under this category are: 

    • Bordetella, Parainfluenza (might be combined with DHP), and Canine influenza: Social dogs need these vaccines.
    • Lyme or Leptospirosis (can be combined with DHP or DHPP): Not mandatory until you travel with your dog to a place or live in an area where there’s an endemic. 


Your pup’s health should be your sole concern. Hence, be sure to get your pups vaccinated timely!