Welcome to ACU Blogs

Welcome to your new portfolio blog. This is your first post. Once you are familiar with the process of creating content on the blog, you can edit or delete it to get started.

For help getting around WordPress and customizing your new portfolio blog, start with the ACU Blogs support page to walk you through editing the blog from the WordPress Dashboard.

A Note on Privacy

Portfolios, by definition, are collections of quality work for public display. Your new portfolio blog is publicly visible on the web (though not searchable by Google), but there are a few things you can do to keep work private until you’re ready to publish.

  1. Once you are finished editing a post or page, you can use the Save Draft button to save content not ready for public view.
  2. You can also edit the Visibility to publish a Private or Password-Protected post.

When you are ready to make private posts public where faculty, students, or future employers can see your work, it’s as simple as hitting the big Publish button.

For all other questions, come by the Learning Studio lab during staff hours and we’ll be happy to work with you.

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