Aging Resources

The Dangers of Falling

A difficulty that older adults face on a daily basis is the increasing possibility of falling. The older a person gets, the more dangerous falling can become. Every year, 3 million older adults are treated in emergency rooms due to a fall, and 1 out of 5 falls result...

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a very busy time for most people. With the hustle and bustle of social events, gift buying, and traveling, taking care of your health gets pushed to the wayside of all of the festivities. These are some ideas that should help you keep healthier this...

Fighting Loneliness During the Holidays

It's that time of year! The holiday season is just about in full swing. Tis' the season for good food, friends, and family - at least for most of us. Though this time of year is generally viewed as happy and exciting, for many, this is a time that reminds people of...

Aging & Sleep

As we age, our body changes, but our need for sleep does not change. Like adults of all ages, older people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Getting that amount of much needed rest becomes harder and harder as we age due to biological changes. According to...

Other Helpful Links

Aging Services – Department of Health and Human Services website

Alzheimer’s Association –  National homepage

Area Agency on Aging  –  The Abilene resource through the West Central Texas Council of Governments.

Meaningful Activities  –  Explore how music, art and pet visits can improve quality of life experiences.

Texas Silver-Haired Legislature –  Advocates for Seniors through Public Policy

Age Wave – Understanding the effects of an aging population

Regrets of the Dying –  five most common regrets shared by those faced with dying