Archive for ‘News from the Best Practices Subcommittee’

Objective of Best Practices Subcommittee

0 Commentsby   |  02.18.10  |  News from the Best Practices Subcommittee

The objective of the SACS QEP Best Practices Subcommittee is to
Identify exemplary programs at ACU and other institutions that
demonstrate research literacy.  Tasks of the committee are to:

–  Conduct a review of selected institutions that are members of the
Council of Undergraduate     Research and other peer institutions for
programs and activities that can be implemented in the QEP.

–  Conduct a review of existing programs or activities at ACU for
potential inclusion in the QEP

–  Determine methods of assessment for Research literacy that can be
used throughout the university

Best Practices Subcommittee Members

0 Commentsby   |  02.14.10  |  News from the Best Practices Subcommittee

Chair: Mark McCallon

Members: Brenda Bender, Colleen Durrington, Jaime Goff, Florah Mahlanga, and Rob Byrd