Archive for February, 2010

NY Times probes reporters lifting from other news sources

by   |  02.15.10  |  Accuracy and Ethics

NY Times probes reporters lifting from other news sources.

The Art of the Interview, ESPN-Style

by   |  02.08.10  |  Interviewing

This is NPR’s story on how John Sawatsky was hired by ESPN to help its reporters better interview. He’s critical of Mike Wallace and Larry King, and rightfully so.

The Art of the Interview, ESPN-Style

News Web sites unlock practically obscure public records

by   |  02.02.10  |  Public Information

Some months ago, ASNE’s Freedom of Information Committee began a survey of newspaper Web sites, exploring their use of public records data. The initial goal was to establish a baseline of available records and make that report available so news organizations could use the information to push for greater online transparency in their communities and states.

Forgotten Information.