Indepth Ideas Assignment

by   |  01.22.14  |  Assignments

Submit by Friday at class time four (4) ideas for indepths (news features). They can be on- or off-campus ideas. Give me two or three sentences for each idea.

Remember your techniques:

  • extrapolate (cause and effect)
  • synthesis (three’s a trend)
  • localization
  • projection

Here’s an example:

Changes in the law (liability, building codes, etc.) mean construction of a new science building would cost far more than it did in the 1950s, when Foster Science Building was constructed. And risk management requirements once one would be built means it would be a far cry from the Chemistry Shack in the 1920s and 1930s, where the floors were covered with hydrochloric acid stains.


What’s the deal with the new science building?

Put your ideas in the comments and I’ll post them after class. I’ll respond and let you know which I think is the best option at this point.