Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Charlie Hebdo terror attack: Tough decisions for news outlets – Jan. 7, 2015

by   |  01.09.15  |  Accuracy and Ethics, News Industry

Charlie Hebdo terror attack: Tough decisions for news outlets.

Why aren’t more newspapers cutting the number of days they print each week? » Nieman Journalism Lab

by   |  01.07.15  |  News Industry

Why aren’t more newspapers cutting the number of days they print each week? » Nieman Journalism Lab.

Clever headline from WaPoExpress – The Washington Post

by   |  12.30.14  |  Writing

Clever headline from WaPoExpress – The Washington Post.

FOIA Suits Jump In 2014 | The FOIA Project

by   |  12.22.14  |  Public Information

FOIA Suits Jump In 2014 | The FOIA Project.

Mark Luckie: How Media Companies Should be Using Twitter

by   |  12.11.14  |  News Industry

Mark Luckie: How Media Companies Should be Using Twitter

Facebook Is Pushing Harder Into Breaking News | Re/code

by   |  12.11.14  |  News Industry

Facebook Is Pushing Harder Into Breaking News | Re/code.

U-Va. students challenge Rolling Stone account of alleged sexual assault – The Washington Post

by   |  12.10.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics, Examples, News Industry

This is useful to us for two reasons:

1. Substantively it shows the dangers of weak reporting and editing standards. The original reporter, Erdely, said she agreed not to contact the accused. I don’t care what the accusation is, that’s journalistic malpractice. Now it appears either she didn’t contact the friend like she said she did or she was duped by an imposter or the friend is lying. The first should be a career-killer.

2  This story deftly reports the facts and allows readers to draw conclusions. The reporter doesn’t say it, but his story allows the savvy reader to recognize that it’s possible the accuser fabricated at least part of the original story to make her friend jealous and more interested in her. Might not be the case, but it’s conceivable.

U-Va. students challenge Rolling Stone account of alleged sexual assault – The Washington Post.

Americans Feel Better Informed Thanks to the Internet | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

by   |  12.08.14  |  News Industry

Americans Feel Better Informed Thanks to the Internet | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

Judge rejects city request to block | The Times Picayune from reporting on rape investigation |

by   |  12.08.14  |  Public Affairs, Public Information

A state judge on Monday rejected the city of New Orleans’ request to block | The Times-Picayune from continuing to report about an NOPD document on the investigation of a Texas woman’s alleged rape in a French Quarter hotel after Mardi Gras this year.

via Judge rejects city request to block | The Times Picayune from reporting on rape investigation |

Rolling Stones Rape Story Fails Victims – Bloomberg View

by   |  12.06.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics, Current News

Rolling Stones Rape Story Fails Victims – Bloomberg View.