Archive for ‘Accuracy and Ethics’

Tip Sheet: How to Cover a Campus Crisis | Mediashift | PBS

by   |  11.17.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics, Reporting

Tip Sheet: How to Cover a Campus Crisis | Mediashift | PBS.

Robert McCormick’s Daughter ‘Appalled’ by NYT Magazine Cover Story | New York Observer

by   |  05.01.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Robert McCormick’s Daughter ‘Appalled’ by NYT Magazine Cover Story | New York Observer.

Los Angeles Times Fires Writer of Articles on College –

by   |  03.17.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Los Angeles Times Fires Writer of Articles on College –

Are the U.S. media as transparent as the U.S. government?

by   |  01.01.14  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Are the U.S. media as transparent as the U.S. government?.

Eyes in the Skies: The Law of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

by   |  10.23.13  |  Accuracy and Ethics, News Industry

Eyes in the Skies: The Law of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.



Chicago Tribune – More detail on assault weapon graphic correction

by   |  01.24.13  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Chicago Tribune – More detail on assault weapon graphic correction.

NY newspapers handgun permit map draws criticism – Cable ONE

by   |  12.27.12  |  Accuracy and Ethics

NY newspapers handgun permit map draws criticism – Cable ONE.

New York Post cover photo: Man shown moments before his death –

by   |  12.05.12  |  Accuracy and Ethics

New York Post cover photo: Man shown moments before his death –

Truth in the Age of Social Media

by   |  07.30.12  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Truth in the Age of Social Media: Niceman Reports | Summer 2012.

Author acknowledges fake Dylan quotes, resigns

by   |  07.30.12  |  Accuracy and Ethics

Author acknowledges fake Dylan quotes, resigns.