Posts Tagged ‘words’

Pybus’ Cursed Words

by   |  01.12.09  |  Writing

These words should raise red flags in your writing. They are often unnecessary; typically, they are meaningless.

The Worst Offenders

that This is commonly used as a filler word rather than as a pronoun alone. When you start to use it in a sentence, take it out and see if the sentence still makes sense without it. Nine times out of 10, it will.

feel This is what we do with our fingers. Example: “How does this fabric feel to you.” “A little rough; it might chafe.” Or this describes the sensation in our stomachs. Example: “How do you feel?” “I feel like I’m about to lose my lunch.” However, feel is not a synonym for think or believe. For example, write “The mayor said he thinks the city is prepared for a natural disaster” not “The mayor said he feels the city is prepared for a natural disaster.”

hold I can hold a bat. I can hold a ball. But I cannot hold a baseball game. I cannot hold a meeting. My hands are not large enough. We can conduct, organize, plan, sponsor (some say host, but not me) these sorts of events.

host To me, a host is a person who invites you to his house for dinner and makes sure you get enough to eat and drink. His wife may be the hostess. It’s not something we do to a meeting or a party. However, some people understandably believe it’s awkward to say “Sandy conducted a party.” Use your best judgment, but generally host does not serve as a verb.

both Use this almost exclusively as a pronoun. That means it takes the place of two nouns. Right: “Charlie and Ed are taking Convergence Reporting II this semester. Both have taken Convergence Reporting I.” Wrong: “Both Mark and Gary enrolled in CR II.”

according to Use this when referring to information from documents or other non-interviewed sources. Use “said” when referring to what people say.

whether or not You simply don’t need the second half. Right: “The experts say they are unsure whether it will rain tomorrow.” Wrong: “The mayor said he will decide next week whether or not he will run for reelection next year.

The Handmaidens of Dead Construction

there are/there is When you start out a sentence this way, you are guaranteeing the sentence will be passive. Passive sentences lie flat. They contain no action, no movement. Write active sentences with active verbs. People use there are and there is to start a sentence they haven’t thought out. Think out your sentences.

The Four Adverbs of the Apocalypse

These four adverbs are almost always useless and indicate puffy writing.

currently If you use a present tense verb, you don’t need the word currently. Of course you might need it in situations where you are comparing the present situation or status to one in the past of future, but that’s the only appropriate time to use it. Wrong: “Nancy is currently president of the Chess Club.” Right: “Elizabeth will serve as president of the Chess Club next year. She is currently sergeant at arms.”

very If you have to use an intensifier on your adjective, you need a new adjective. Wrong: “Brittany was very angry.” Right: “Harvey was furious.”

really See very. There might be times when you’d use this as a synonym for actually.

approximately This is a word people use to sound intelligent, but that’s not what we’re going for. When estimating amounts and percentages, use about instead.

Prepositional Pomposity

over This indicates physical relationship. The roof is over our heads, but the university does not have over 4000 students. It has more than 4000 students. Use more than. ***NOTE: The Associated Press has abandoned this rule beginning in spring 2014. But that doesn’t mean I have to change. And you may have editors who won’t either.***

towards This is the British usage. In this country, we drive on the right and use toward.

located at Just say at. Bad: “The store is located at 11th and Willis.” Good: “The store is at 11th and Willis.” Even better, and more precise: “The store is at the intersection of 11th and Willis.”

following This is a verb, not a preposition. Good: “Jack Bauer was following the terrorists’ van and got into a shootout with them.” Use after when it’s a preposition. Bad: “Following the dinner, we’ll have dessert.” Good: “After the dinner, we’ll have dessert.”

prior to This just sounds arrogant. Just use before.

due to Use because of

in order to Ninety-nine times out of 100, all you need is to.

Parting Shots

excited Journalists, especially student journalists, often seem overeager to attribute excitement to people. If you have to say “Tommy is excited about the new programs the university has planned,” then you didn’t get a quote from him that explains his excitement.

unique Don’t just say something is unique. Tell me how it is unique.

totally If you need to use this adverb, you probably need to pick a new adjective or verb. Where I see it used the most is thusly: “The building was totally destroyed.” If it was only partly destroyed, then it wasn’t destroyed.

! Don’t use exclamation points for emphasis of feeling or emotion. Use them to amplify volume. “‘Stop!’ Destiny shouted.” Not “Gavin is taking me to the circus!”

I’m leaving comments open on this post so you can add your own cursed words.