Evolution v. Creation: One or the other or both?

3 Commentsby   |  10.03.10  |  Beginning of Scientific Psychology (Part III-A)

Evolutionary psychology is very interesting, yet as a Christian sometimes I struggle with it. As a student, I see the research, read the scientific facts and hear the theories. They seem to make sense and fall into place. Yet, as a Christian I was raised and taught about Creationism and how everything began with God. The story of Genesis accounts the creation of the world and how God in all his majesty made something out of nothing and made man in His image. Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Are men and women the way we are because that is what God intended for us? Or are do have biological and behavioral differences because we evolved that way? I have been pondering that for a while. It is hard for me to believe that our actions stem from our want to preserve our genes. I believe when you look at life on a genetic level, you take away everything that I value in life. For me the best things in life include love, family, and friendship. Evolutionary psychologists say that men and women are attracted to those who have compatible genes, yet I believe that I am attracted to people based on their personality and heart. I want kindness, compassion and loyalty, not just someone who’s genes will mix well with mine to make children. It is interesting to note though that it was also God’s plan for man to bear children. The following verse in Genesis states “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

While it is hard for me to accept attraction on a genetic level, I find myself believing in the adaptation of species at the same time. I think it would be ignorant to not acknowledge that people grow, learn, and adapt over time. So then I wonder how much is adaption and how much is evolution? Or are they one in the same? Maybe God created man as an intelligent species so that we could change and survive.


  1. Jason Herrington
    12:54 am, 10.04.10

    I also have thought about this over the years and it definitely has been a struggle. I believe that we adapt to our surroundings. I have a hard time believing that we just happened to become complex human beings and think that there is a difference between adaption and evolution. Freshman year I took a biology class where one of my professors told us that he is was not sure of evolution but he did know if God wanted the world to come into place through evolution then it could. I found this to be a very interesting opinion and while I could think about it for days I keep to one truth and that is that God is Creator and I strongly believe he made us for a purpose and to take a part in relationships based on love.

  2. Jordan Johnson
    6:02 am, 10.04.10

    Great post! I believe in the idea of ying and yang applying to almost everything (the balance of both sides). Everything has a degree to which it applies. While evolutionary psychology may exist and influence us it does not determine us such as who we like, because free will is its yang and gives us room to move. My wife would have my head if i ever cheated on her physically despite what ever my emotions towards her might be, counter to evolutionary thought. lol! Again great post.

  3. Kameron Allen
    10:18 am, 10.04.10

    I am very inclined to believe that, although God did create the universe as we know it, he also gave creation the ability to evolve. Evolution enables creation to adapt to it’s environment and thereby gives it a better chance at survival. I think a lot of Christians actually limit God’s power when they deny the impact that evolution has had in various aspects of life, such as physical adaptations and even psychology. Why couldn’t God use something like evolution to fulfill His own purposes? Good post!

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