Evolutionary Psychology

2 Commentsby   |  10.04.10  |  Beginning of Scientific Psychology (Part III-A)

It has been a long standing question as to whether the book of genesis and the story of creation was a real story or a metaphorical one, with people standing strongly on both sides of the issue. The church has historically fought for it to be a true literal story, but has recently changed that with new evidence over the past century for the theory of evolution. Doubts of the story grow as more and more evidence is gathered. Even the psychological evidence is over whelming. Or is it? What does does questioning such things say about our faith and if we practice and teach evolutionary psychology does that make us bad Christians?

The so called evidence for evolution through the use of psychology is an explanation for ones actions through the use of a evolutionary story, sounds stretched. Example, why do men care more about sexual infidelity while women care more about emotional infidelity. Evolutionary psychology states that men want to pass on their genes as they always have and they can never really be sure the child is theirs, while the woman has need a man in the past to survive and with out his emotions invested in her then he may move on. The idea of evolutionary psychology is based on the fact that this explanation makes since, but their is no proof. I don’t believe this should deter us from teaching it though in fact i believe we should, but not as fact and using it in practice (how ever we may) should be limited to seldom at best. I’m not just talking about Christians either as i believe in evolution myself and find no fault in believing in genesis as a metaphorical story and believing in evolution. From an evolutionary stand point we are called to question everything we see thats how we survive and grow, so i say it makes one a better christian to question the bible and its parts.


  1. Jeremiah Blalock
    8:41 am, 10.04.10

    well, I agree with your last statement. as a limited practice and lesson. Something else that pulls doubt to this is the changing times and attitudes, as well as individuality sweeping through more and more. Nowadays, women are stronger individuals who are able to “survive” by themselves, and you are also finding men who are more emotionally driven and trying to progress more in life first. i don’t know, just seems kinda interesting.

  2. Earl Popp
    11:18 am, 10.04.10

    I like this! Questioning a doubting create a stronger definition of what one believes in. It inspires growth through the acquisition of experience and knowledge, but too much questioning can create a sense of hopelessness, as the answers can never be fully understood… What if we taught our children the genesis story as literal first, then metaphorical, then incorporated evolution, and continually adapted the model over the years, simulating the change in perspective of society over the ages?

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