AI of the Future

6 Commentsby   |  10.24.10  |  The Schools of Psychology (Part IV)

Many people in our class are posting on artificial intelligence (AI). Technology is quickly advancing, and the human race is becoming more and more reliant on it. Personally, it is exciting but makes me a little nervous as the human race becomes more and more dependent on it. It is cool what we are able to create, such as the self driving car. Eventually AI products may seem as humanistic as possible. However, what makes me nervous is the reliance we may soon have on AI. I guess it kind of lines up with the movie I, Robot when the robot picks Will Smith over the child to save in the car accident due to a calculated survival rate. I don’t want to reach a point when I’m faced with a critical, life changing situation and the only thing in control is an AI device that only has calculated responses and no emotional or complex (logic and emotion) response possibilities. Another movie is Disney Channel’s Smart House. I always wanted a house growing up just like that. It could make whatever I wanted and do all my chores. It knew what the characters wanted before they did. However, it soon calculated how dangerous the outside world can be and trapped them all in the house. Smart House said it could give the characters all they wanted until the characters realized it could never physically love, care, or protect them. It was a cool house but the technology ended up out smarting its creator and began reeking havoc on the family. That seems more and more realistic to me as different AI products are developed, like that self driving car. I’m all for the advancement of technology and making life a little easier, but I doubt I will ever be able to complete give up any control to a machine whether its just driving down the street or its running my house hold.


  1. Anne Weaver
    8:01 pm, 10.24.10

    First off, I do remember that movie on the Disney channel, and I loved it too.

    Secondly, I have to agree with you. But let me take it further. I am even concerned about the use of technology now (much less a world of AI). It seems as if people no longer know how to communicate with one another. Messaging, e-mail, G-chat, facebook, blogs, texting, words with friends, twitter, and even calling on the telephone are all used instead of personal and face-to-face interaction. I feel like people are forgetting or failing to learn the basic skills of interacting. We can’t read body cues and we have more misunderstandings and arguments with one another. I am curious if older generations have better social skills than we do or vise versa. I still prefer an evening over board games and a hand written letter to socializing over technology.

  2. Josh Morrison
    10:52 pm, 10.24.10

    I can definitely see the hazards of technology based communication but for some reason I’ve never been able to get on board with the idea that technology will take us over. I can’t explain why but it never took with me.

  3. Amy McLean
    12:02 am, 10.25.10

    I agree with Josh. When we were growing up, yes, Smart House did freak me out. However, I don’t think we are any closer to being taken over by AI than we were when Smart House was released.

  4. Jeremiah Blalock
    8:01 am, 10.25.10

    Great post! I agree totally that the reliance of these machines could be a great downfall in the longrun in terms of both practical living and decisions. the one that catches my attention more is the ways that actions are picked by the AI, which is sad but also what we ourselves have programmed into our society, so to speak. We want, “effectiveness,” and, “progress,” so much that we ourselves can even in certain aspects take away from our emotional/nurturing side that would rather save the child, or let our kids and families out of the house into a danger-filled world. Great post again!

  5. Jordan Johnson
    8:56 am, 10.25.10

    I think the greater problem here is do we even have a choice when it comes to becoming reliant of the technology. It could be almost impossible to learn how to live without half the technology we now live with, but even if we could learn that. Would we be able to keep up with technology as well and make a living. Survival has always been connected to adaptation, is that any different now days with humans. I dont think it is. We are forced to keep up with the times and learn everything we can, if we fail to do so our jobs and livelihoods are at stake.

  6. Michael Bartholomew
    1:39 pm, 10.25.10

    I find it hard to believe that technology could ever become that advanced. In another class, we talked about how we could essentially “preserve” a photograph of people’s minds and synthetically recreate them. The problem is they cannot learn. So while the possibility seems likely as time continues to move forward and technology continues to advance, I have a hard time believing we can ever give the gift of life to something else. Creating life is just one of those areas I feel man is always apt to fail in; it’s just too complex.

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