Blog Post #9

3 Commentsby   |  12.03.12  |  Student Posts

I really enjoyed the video we watched in class with the autistic girl. I was very impressed with her improvements with ABA treatment. At the beginning of the semester, we blogged about what we were interested in and why. What we saw in that video—that little girl being treated without the use of drugs but still making huge changes in her behavior and ultimately the quality of her life—is just one example of why I am completely intrigued by behavioral psychology. I like a little bit from every school of thought, but behaviorism is simply my favorite.


  1. Whitney Calhoun
    11:00 am, 12.03.12

    Brittney, I thought the video was pretty interesting too. It was kind of hard to watch, a little girl who does not quite understand, having a hard time and crying, etc. But as you said, maybe that one simple exercise does eventually improve the quality of her life. I especially agree because there was no chemical involvement to do so.

  2. Kevin Mimms
    5:32 pm, 12.03.12

    I’m glad you enjoyed the video! I think it is interesting how autism is treated and it makes me wonder how long I would be able to do ABA. I think it’s something that is really challenging (maybe only I think that) because it would be a very repetitive and patience-trying event. I hope that you are able to harness your interest in this area and work to help those who have this sort of problem.

  3. Jackson Regas
    11:26 pm, 12.03.12

    I also really enjoyed watching this video. Behavior therapy is part of the reason that I majored in psychology. I love seeing how effective it can be on real people.

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