The Gospel of God Enacted (Sermon Notes)

Below are sermon notes from that Gospel Meeting, the third of five that I will post: The Gospel of God Enacted Isa 56:1-8; Acts 10:23b-43 Recall the story of a 4th Grade election. I was the only one in my class who lost—rejection, left out in the cold, excluded,...

The Gospel of God Proclaimed (Sermon Notes)

Below are sermon notes from that Gospel Meeting, the second of five that I will post: “The Gospel of God Proclaimed (Acts 2:14-47)?” Beginning at the end. Spoiler Alert! How does the book of Acts end? He lived there two whole years at his own expense and welcomed all...

What is the Gospel of God? (Sermon Notes)

Below are sermon notes from that Gospel Meeting, the first of five that I will post. First, “What is the Gospel of God (Isaiah 40:1-11)?” A research project conducted in Italy asked residents in one city to share their life stories. As the stories were...


This summer I was asked to preach a Gospel Meeting in Tennessee. Upon further inquiry, the elders clarified that they desired a good-ole-fashion revival. I soon realized that the primary audience also included folks from area congregations who attended various...

The God Who Helps: The Psalms in Our Worship 8

Often our discussions of worship focus on what we should do.  Do we sing modern praise songs or just the great hymns of the past?  Do we sing a cappella, with an organ, with a rock band, or whatever?  Does the preaching last a few minutes or quite a few?  Does the...

Thoughts on Summit: Interlude and Postlude

Now that is Summit is in the books, we can turn back to the Psalms.  But let me say first that last week was a wonderful time, as always, of seeing old friends and making new ones.  Many good things were said and done, and we all got to remember how pleasant it is to...

On freedom of religion

This originally appeared as an op-ed in the Abilene Reporter News on September 18, 2010. As the recent headlines about Qur’an burning and mosque building have made clear, Americans are conflicted about religion. Caught between those who fantasize about a Christian...

After Rancor: The Psalms in our Worship 7

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that fewer things bother me, but the ones that do bother me more than ever.  Maybe that’s your experience too.  The thing that bothers me most these days is the widespread acceptance of slander, bullying, disrespect,...

The Psalms in our Worship 6

Sometimes life is too much with us.  I’ve thought about that a lot this weekend: when sawing up a tree that the wind broke, when painting a fence I had repaired a year ago but just now got around to finishing, when trying to send text messages to a more tech...

The Psalms in Our Worship (Part 5)

As we turn to Psalm 8, let me present here a talk I gave a couple of years ago in chapel.  I’m not sure what to add, so maybe it will be of use to you. Out of the Mouth of Infants “O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth.”  The Bible is a...

The Psalms in our Worship (part 4)

It’s been awhile since the last post.  Things have been busy here, with all sorts of pre-semester work, including a great trip by our faculty to DFW to meet with ministry leaders there, and as recently as yesterday, the inauguration of our 11th president. ...

The Psalms in Our Worship (part 3)

One of the more disturbing aspects of worship in Christian congregations today is the strong bias toward good cheer and superficial encouragement, no matter the circumstances, no matter the feelings that people bring with them to the service, no matter how much we...

The Psalms in our Worship (part 2)

Thanks to everyone who wrote about the first post in this series.  I always wonder if anyone is reading these, so it’s wonderful to receive such excellent feedback!  I’ll get to your suggestions in time. For now, let me go to Psalm 2.  One of the most...

Notes from an alumna

It’s always wonderful to watch the work of our alumni and alumnae, both those who are just beginning the life of ministry, and those who have been at it awhile.  You will enjoy an article one of our recent graduates, Jordan Wesley, wrote in the current issue of...

When Mommy Gives You Lemons, Make a Lemonade Stand

After setting up a lemonade stand for mommy and daddy in the living room, our son decided to take his show on the road. Though ostensibly to grow his “Toy Story 3” fund, I think he really just enjoyed making the homemade, freshly squeezed treat and sharing...

One Student’s Journey to Seminary

(h/t to M.Div student, James Prather, who recently posted this on his blog. Quite a trip!) This Is My Journey by James Prather On Monday, June 7, 2010, I took the biggest step yet in a journey that many of you know very little about – I turned in my two weeks notice....

Can Theology Be This Fun?

“We believe that the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do.” [youtube 2lXh2n0aPyw] Russ Kirby Director of Student Services ACU Graduate School of Theology Tweets by ACUGST...