A brief book review

After teaching all last week 8 hours a day, I don’t have the energy to write a long post.  Or maybe it would be more honest to say that I don’t have that much to say. But I have read a book many people would enjoy, called The Bible and the People by Lori...

Assigned Seating

The other day I was reading the Didascalia Apostolorum (DA), like people do on a bright May morning. Chapter 12.4 has an instruction for bishops in the worship service: If, after you are seated, some other man or woman should arrive who is honored in the world,...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 4)

Does the Gospel sell itself?  That’s how I began this series of posts, and that’s how I’ll end it.  If we are on a road alongside of which are exits to narcissism, self-indulgence, and self-promotion, and the Heavenly City seems further away in our...

The Gift of Hope

Profiles of Ministry is an assessment given to all first year students who are enrolled in one of ACU Graduate School of Theology’s formation degrees (MDiv, MACM, MAMI). The assessment asks the participants to read several case scenarios and to respond according...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 3)

Ours is a time in which all the old truths have seemed questionable, all the old habits indefensible, and all the old passions unthinkable.  Since Christianity is no longer a new religion and since Christians are often leaders in the power systems of the world and...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself (part 2)

How do we get off the road?  How do we join the earliest disciples in their journey, for which a single change of clothes and the greatest possible trust in God was enough?  How do we do this together, so that we don’t play generations or theological stances or...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 1)

Like many other people, I read the other day about the big church that was giving away cars, big screen tvs, and other spiffy consumer goods to draw folks to their Easter service. [youtube jd-F8Lay9m8] Also like many others, especially smart-alecky professor types, I...

The Stories We Live By

I spend a good amount of time these days thinking with students about contextual theology – this notion that theology is enacted in practice in particular times, places, and people.  Not only do I spend time thinking with students about these things, but also...

Who Do They Think We Are? (The KKK in Abilene)

“What kind of a people do they think we are?” Winston Churchill asked in his speech to Congress just after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Fascist dictators, steeped in notions of blood and land, full of racial pride and therefore racial hatred, believed the democracies...

ACU Graduate Chapel Sermon (Ben Fike): January 20

Every Wednesday, we meet for worship together in the Chapel on the Hill. Sometimes students speak. Here is a sermon by one of them, Ben Fike, who is the preacher for the Maryneal, Texas Church of Christ. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Matthew 2:1-12 –...

Welcome to the ACU Graduate School of Theology Blog!

We know it’s been a long time in coming, but we’re excited to finally launch the ACU Graduate School of Theology Blog where professors and students alike can contribute and interact around a multiplicity of fascinating and significant subjects. Of course...