The Psalms in our Worship 28

Evil is an odd word.  It often gets used for all sorts of things we dislike, though I would like to reserve it for truly horrific violations of human dignity (bombing civilians or using food as a weapon or depriving the poor of the medical care others receive).  Some...

The Shalom Blues: The Psalms in our Worship 27

On some days, it’s hard to get your thoughts together.  The allergy medicines and the crush of routine conspire to prevent it.  On such days, it is easy to treat even the dramatic and beautiful lackadaisically. Here are a few observations, as tightly woven as...

The Tales we Tell: The Psalms in our Worship 26

You are what you narrate.  When I was a little boy, I loved to hear my grandmothers tell  about their childhoods.  One was born in 1900, the other in 1907.  Each had seen hard times and good, had brought children into the world, and had led lives of integrity.  I...

Two Upcoming ACU Events

We are excited about two upcoming ACU events. First, you are invited to hear Dr. Abraham J. Malherbe, Buckingham Professor Emeritus of Yale University, on the topic “What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem” this Thursday, March 24, at 3:00 p.m. in room 114 of the Onstead...

Out of Egypt

Dr. Jeff W. Childers, Carmichael-Walling Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity in the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University, offers some reflections on his recent trip to Saint Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai: Out of Egypt...

BMIS 680 Urban Missions

A one-week intensive course in New York City May 28- June 4, 2011 Dr. Jared Looney – Bronx Fellowship, Adjunct Professor Why? At the beginning of the 21st century, more than half of the globe is now urban, and in North America 83% of the population is...

Deliverance 101: The Psalms in our Worship 23

Having grown up in a family in which my dad had a steady job and our schools were safe and our churches more often encouraging than not, deliverance is a hard concept for me.  What does it look like?  Not everyone has this problem because not everyone has mastered the...

Have Mercy: The Psalms in Our Worship 20

Some days you don’t have much to say because you recognize the extent to which you need mercy.  Silence seems better than speaking.  Words fail to capture the subtleties of thought, the depths of emotions, the intricacies of interpersonal relationships.  Since...

Sanctuary: The Psalms in our Worship 19

This week I spent three days in New York City on business.  A few hours of touring amid the work took me and a colleague to Grant’s Tomb and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, each a monument in its own way.  One honors a great man and the other seeks to...

Mercy Project

[youtube MEimLZUz_YI] At ACU Graduate School of Theology, we are convinced that deep learning requires real-world engagement. Contextual education–the phrase we use to describe this approach–reimagines the “classroom,” and “study;”...

Ghana Benefit Concert

A free Christmas Benefit Concert for Heritage Christian College of Ghana, West Africa will be held in the Chapel on the Hill on December 6th, 2010 beginning at 7pm. This event is being sponsored by United By Faith.  The fund raising goal is $5,000.00 to help Heritage...

Theology, Technology, and Innovation

ACU Graduate School of Theology, the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy, and the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry (DBMM) are all a part of the College of Biblical Studies at Abilene Christian University.  In the video below, DBMM instructor David...

Contextual Immersion in New York

In January, ACU GST students Carol Mendoza and Penny Peng will arrive in New York City for a seven month Contextual Immersion experience. During their time there, Carol and Penny will work closely with Jared Looney (Bronx Fellowship) who will serve as their Contextual...

The Gospel of God for the World of God

The following sketch concludes my series of sermons: The Gospel of God for the World of God Acts 17:16-34 1. Some cities evoke particular ideas and images. Just down the road, Nashville is known for Country Music. Nashville is also known as the Athens of the South....

The Gospel of God for the People of God

Below are sermon notes from the Gospel Meeting I preached in TN this summer, the fourth of five that I will post: The Gospel of God for the People of God Acts 13:13-52 In this series on the Gospel of God, I’ve been talking about the power of story. Stories work....