The Psalms in our Worship 28

Evil is an odd word.  It often gets used for all sorts of things we dislike, though I would like to reserve it for truly horrific violations of human dignity (bombing civilians or using food as a weapon or depriving the poor of the medical care others receive).  Some...

The Shalom Blues: The Psalms in our Worship 27

On some days, it’s hard to get your thoughts together.  The allergy medicines and the crush of routine conspire to prevent it.  On such days, it is easy to treat even the dramatic and beautiful lackadaisically. Here are a few observations, as tightly woven as...

The Tales we Tell: The Psalms in our Worship 26

You are what you narrate.  When I was a little boy, I loved to hear my grandmothers tell  about their childhoods.  One was born in 1900, the other in 1907.  Each had seen hard times and good, had brought children into the world, and had led lives of integrity.  I...

Two Upcoming ACU Events

We are excited about two upcoming ACU events. First, you are invited to hear Dr. Abraham J. Malherbe, Buckingham Professor Emeritus of Yale University, on the topic “What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem” this Thursday, March 24, at 3:00 p.m. in room 114 of the Onstead...