The God Who Helps: The Psalms in Our Worship 8

Often our discussions of worship focus on what we should do.  Do we sing modern praise songs or just the great hymns of the past?  Do we sing a cappella, with an organ, with a rock band, or whatever?  Does the preaching last a few minutes or quite a few?  Does the...

Thoughts on Summit: Interlude and Postlude

Now that is Summit is in the books, we can turn back to the Psalms.  But let me say first that last week was a wonderful time, as always, of seeing old friends and making new ones.  Many good things were said and done, and we all got to remember how pleasant it is to...

On freedom of religion

This originally appeared as an op-ed in the Abilene Reporter News on September 18, 2010. As the recent headlines about Qur’an burning and mosque building have made clear, Americans are conflicted about religion. Caught between those who fantasize about a Christian...

After Rancor: The Psalms in our Worship 7

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that fewer things bother me, but the ones that do bother me more than ever.  Maybe that’s your experience too.  The thing that bothers me most these days is the widespread acceptance of slander, bullying, disrespect,...

The Psalms in our Worship 6

Sometimes life is too much with us.  I’ve thought about that a lot this weekend: when sawing up a tree that the wind broke, when painting a fence I had repaired a year ago but just now got around to finishing, when trying to send text messages to a more tech...