One Student’s Journey to Seminary

(h/t to M.Div student, James Prather, who recently posted this on his blog. Quite a trip!) This Is My Journey by James Prather On Monday, June 7, 2010, I took the biggest step yet in a journey that many of you know very little about – I turned in my two weeks notice....

Can Theology Be This Fun?

“We believe that the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do.” [youtube 2lXh2n0aPyw] Russ Kirby Director of Student Services ACU Graduate School of Theology Tweets by ACUGST...

A brief book review

After teaching all last week 8 hours a day, I don’t have the energy to write a long post.  Or maybe it would be more honest to say that I don’t have that much to say. But I have read a book many people would enjoy, called The Bible and the People by Lori...

Assigned Seating

The other day I was reading the Didascalia Apostolorum (DA), like people do on a bright May morning. Chapter 12.4 has an instruction for bishops in the worship service: If, after you are seated, some other man or woman should arrive who is honored in the world,...