Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 4)

Does the Gospel sell itself?  That’s how I began this series of posts, and that’s how I’ll end it.  If we are on a road alongside of which are exits to narcissism, self-indulgence, and self-promotion, and the Heavenly City seems further away in our...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 3)

Ours is a time in which all the old truths have seemed questionable, all the old habits indefensible, and all the old passions unthinkable.  Since Christianity is no longer a new religion and since Christians are often leaders in the power systems of the world and...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself (part 2)

How do we get off the road?  How do we join the earliest disciples in their journey, for which a single change of clothes and the greatest possible trust in God was enough?  How do we do this together, so that we don’t play generations or theological stances or...

Does the Gospel Sell Itself? (part 1)

Like many other people, I read the other day about the big church that was giving away cars, big screen tvs, and other spiffy consumer goods to draw folks to their Easter service. [youtube jd-F8Lay9m8] Also like many others, especially smart-alecky professor types, I...

The Stories We Live By

I spend a good amount of time these days thinking with students about contextual theology – this notion that theology is enacted in practice in particular times, places, and people.  Not only do I spend time thinking with students about these things, but also...