Return from Israel

It’s nice to settle in at home this week after spending last week in Israel.  On Monday-Wednesday I had the privilege of attending, and presenting at, a conference on prophecy and politics at the University of Haifa.  The conference involved about 50 scholars...

Why Christians Love the Bible (part 4)

This post concludes the series on why we love the Bible, even when we also struggle with it. Thank you for reading and thinking along with me.      Why, then, do Christians love the Bible?  In prior posts in this series, we considered some reasons for not loving it,...

Why Christians Love the Bible (part 3)

            In the previous post, I talked about objections that many people lodge against the Bible and thus against those of us who understand it as a book representing in some fashion a window onto the true character, practices, and convictions of God.  Obviously,...

Why Christians Love the Bible (part 2)

This is a continuation of a prior post on the Bible and what it does and does not say.  The series will continue next time as well. To respond to the claim that the Bible is immoral, a claim often made in our current world,  it makes sense to try to unravel several...

Why Christians Love the Bible (part 1)

            Why do Christians love the Bible?  Since many millions of us read it fairly frequently, and hundreds of millions of us revere it as a communication from, or at least about, a benevolent God, what in it makes reasonably intelligent people take it...