True Health

True health is not simply the absence of disease. It is a state of being in which the miraculous physical and mental forces that make us human work together in proper balance. True health allows us to be ourselves and live every day at our own personal best. Achieving true health is a journey—unique to every individual.

However, many of us do not feel the need to begin this journey until we experience symptoms, such as pain or dysfunction, that interfere with our quality of life.  The disruption of our health becomes something that needs to be “fixed.” So we visit our doctors in the hope of finding relief. Traditional mainstream medicine, while immensely helpful in combating disease and medical conditions, neglects the deeper concept of true health by treating the condition and its symptoms, not the total individual. Under our present system, doctors simply do not have the time to evaluate the overall health of their patients. Therefore, they are forced to focus on the specific symptom or condition, instead of trying to find the underlying source of the problem and treating it with an appropriate therapy to heal the entire body.

Applied Kinesiology utilizes a spectrum of noninvasive diagnostic and treatment protocols to restore optimal function to your body. These include various muscle manipulation techniques, chiropractic therapies, acupuncture, nutrition, cranial therapy, specific exercises, and mind/body procedures.

It’s all in how the Body Moves

Dynamic Human Anatomy, Second Edition, covers concepts not found in traditional anatomy texts and helps students apply those concepts.

Formerly titled Dynatomy, this introductory to upper-level biomechanics text sets itself apart from other texts by connecting biomechanical principles with applications in sports and dance, strength training, work settings, and clinical settings. Dynamic Human Anatomy offers applied dance- and sport- specific information on how the body performs the dynamic movement, providing students with an understanding of the body’s structure and function as it explores the elegance and complexity of the body’s functional movement anatomy.

This text explores the potential of the human body to express itself through movement, making it a highly valuable text for students who have taken, or are taking, introductory anatomy and who need a more detailed exposure to concepts in human movement anatomy.

Now in its 7th Edition

This reputable textbook is an ideal introduction to the study of human movement and an excellent reference encouraging and directing further study. For the first time, there is a chapter dedicated to measuring and understanding physical activity, recognizing the importance of this area to many health and sports professionals. More time is spent explaining the basic principles of biomechanics and the way they can be used to improve practice, including tissue mechanics and movement analysis techniques.

An Introduction to Human Movement and Biomechanics is the perfect guide for students and professionals all around the world to consolidate learning and apply to real clinical/sports situation. Information is given in a clear and accessible way, with case studies, illustrations, text boxes and practical examples.

Movement or Bust!

“An enormous volume of research and new knowledge has been assembled in the scientific literature in the past decade. In the information age, it is difficult to keep abreast of these developments. Specialization and new disciplines are continually added under the broad umbrella of exercise science. This evolution has led to challenges for the editors and authors. We needed to decide what to include, how to transition chapters to be more contemporary, and what new developments needed to be included, especially innovative applications for exercise and sports scientists. This edition has retained chapters covering foundation knowledge…The 4th edition has identified and included advancements in foundation knowledge for today’s exercise science students. Modern ways to evaluate health status, movement capacities and the use of point-of-care technologies have been added…A total of 39 authors from around the world have contributed to the 4th edition of Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology” (from Preface).

A fully updated and revised edition, this 4th edition offers the best theoretically contextualized, practical resource for instructors and students available. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology incorporates substantial sections on kinanthropometry, exercise physiology, energy systems, and the application of science in health. There is also an online resource ( that has access to newly developed exercise science measurement tools.

Call Number: 599.94 N882K 2019