ACU Bio-diesel Project

by   |  02.21.12  |  Uncategorized

A group students and faculty at ACU’s chemistry department are researching ways to simplify the process of converting vegetable oil into bio-diesel, a cost-effective renewable source of energy that can be made out of recycled products like vegetable oils. Dr. Jim Cooke, Professor of Environmental Science, has been using the bio-diesel in his truck for several months as part of the study.

“We are trying to make bio-diesel safer for the average person to use,” said Dr. Cooke. “It does involve chemistry, but it is not impossible to do.”

The group uses leftover frying oil from ACU’s dining hall, spending hours each week on the conversion process.

“It is a viable alternative for sustainability,” said Dr. Cooke.

Bio-diesel in the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act.

KRBC contributed to this report.

Click here to watch the report featured on KRBC News at 10.